Selasa, 24 September 2019

Who is God before Jesus

Who is God...? Do you secretly still keep such a question deep in your mind? If you do, probably you're not alone.

But the advice is to be aware of using the human mind. Be aware of using it in the way you think and ask things about this supra-natural owner of living. The human mind is so aggressive, wild, and tends to continuously produce questions. It tends to demand some specific answers. This natural curiosity has led any person like you and me to always search for the most satisfying answers. The answer about "who is God?". Even though the religions of our own choices have been influenced the way we live our lives.

God's mind structure could somehow be completely different from the way the human mind works. If you are willing to be humble enough, try to stay away from the natural thinking structure.  The structure of using the brain capacity of human nature. Ready to explore the facts about "Who God is"!? This article can surprisingly satisfy your human nature curiosity. Speaking of "who is God", and if you hunger for the different answers, I recommend staying on this page. Put aside the way you think, using our brain capacity. This could be the first rule for the sake of finding the true truth. Don't be too confident with your own brilliant line of thinking.

Now, let's start the journey; find out the needs of your soul, not the needs of your thoughts. Try to enter an emptiness, free of arguments, and a critical thinking mood. The mood produced by an instrument so-called the brilliance of human mind power. Some very specific and important characteristics of God must be understood when building an intimate relationship with Him. Why building an intimate relationship? No accurate understanding of someone without intimacy with him. Don't fail to understand or believe these characteristics. This is mandatory. Once those two characteristics are fully and humbly understood then the other things don't really matter.

When it comes to discussing "Who is God?", Just realize the first fact. He is "Creator!". Yes, the only creator of you and me, of everything and everyone. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth - (Genesis 1). The Bible also tells us that God created us. The first couple of chapters goes on to tell us that God created animals and light and humans. In short, God created everything!

Get ready to be sincerely humble to see the fact that God is one-third of the Holy Trinity. Yes, that is the other characteristic of God.  It's true, the triune God or Holy Trinity is not an easy-to-understand concept. Not easy to understand, especially when you and I apply our thinking capacity as a human. Creativity is an easy-to-gain capability using human brain capacity. You may easily understand how things around you are formed and created. But a Triune God - three separate pieces that are all fully God...that one...not so easy.

Genius can be a spectacular part of human thinking capacity.  Unfortunately, it can somehow be a conventional way in the sight of God's thinking capacity. The advice is, do not rely too much on the power of human thinking capacity. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to the true understanding, far beyond your thinking capability. The Bible makes it clear that God is a Triune God. Three equal parts that make up the one true God.

The Bible Teaching that God is part of the Holy Trinity is a crucial point for us. The point of How people get close to God in a totally different way. The way that completely different from other God Worshippers in other religions. It is God as The God of the Bible.

This is a key point to Christianity. The point that a follower of Christ must understand and accept even though we cannot fully understand it. It's just because The Bible says so.

Are you ready to know more about who God is? Allow me to take you to a more surprising and spectacular fact about it - Click here!